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​Please note Birding at The Brinton on October 19th is canceled due to the uncertainty of the Elk Fire and smoke.

We look forward to seeing everyone on November 16th! 

Third Saturday of every month enjoy ‘Birding at The Brinton held on the grounds of The Brinton Museum, 239 Brinton Road, Big Horn, Wyoming from 9am to 10am. The bird walk is led by Bighorn Audubon Society members. This monthly activity is a joint effort between The Brinton Museum and the Bighorn Audubon Society that began in 2015. Please go to the museum store to purchase the Checklist of Birds of The Brinton, or Jackie Canterbury's comprehensive book: Common Birds of The Brinton Museum and Bighorn Mountain Foothills co-authored by Dr. Paul Johnsgard, world renowned author of more than 90 books on birds and biology, and mentor of Dr. Canterbury. Proceeds from the sales are contributed to The Brinton and the local Bighorn Audubon Chapter of the National Audubon Society.

For a full species list observed at The Brinton please click here 
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 
PO BOX 535      SHERIDAN, WY  82801 
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