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Wyoming Birds for Kids
By Pamela Moore
Illustrations by Lawrence Uhling
Photographs by Tina Toth

Wyoming Birds for Kids was created with the purpose of connecting children and adults with the natural world and the amazing birds that live in Wyoming. Birds benefit when people are aware of their habitat needs: shelter, food, and water.  Author Pamela Moore shares 24 birds found in Wyoming.  Each bird has an original rhyme, illustration, photo, scientific information, and fun facts.  This book offers readers an engaging piece of literature, art, and science. Moore hopes Wyoming Birds for Kids will encourage readers to unplug, get away from screens, and get moving outside while exploring the wonderful world of Wyoming birds.

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Pamela Moore has lived in Sheridan, WY for the last 24 years, and taught music to children at all of Sheridan County School District #2 elementary schools. After retiring in 2018 she turned more of her attention to birds and began writing a children’s book.  Moore has loved nature for as long as she can remember and she has shared that love with children in her music classes for 36 years.  As the 1996 Wyoming Teacher of the Year, she shared this quote which she now shares with you.

“In the end, we will conserve only what we love;

we will love only what we understand,

and we will understand only what we are taught.”

                                        Baba Dioum of Senegal


Her dedication to teaching the whole child led her to read a book that would impact her teaching for the rest of her career. "Reading Magic", by Mem Fox (2001) states: “Rhymers will be readers: it’s that simple.” Little did Moore know that one book and a little bird would provide the spark required to put her on a new path. 


One day, a Pine Siskin actually stepped onto her finger. It allowed her to gently remove a bothersome glob of gunk from its beak. Then the bird remained sitting in her hand and allowed her to pet it. When it flew off, she was hooked on caring for birds. To learn more about birds, Moore soon joined the local Bighorn Audubon Society. She eventually became a board member serving as Secretary, Education Chair, and Vice-President. She has presented numerous educational programs about birds to children. Over the years other birds would need and accept her assistance before they flew away. Eventually, a juvenile Cedar Waxwing inspired her to write her book, Wyoming Birds for Kids.

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Bighorn Audubon Society board member Pamela Moore released her Wyoming Birds for Kids book on May 6th with a book launch event held at The Brinton Museum.  The event was sponsored in partnership with The Brinton Museum and the Bighorn Audubon Society as an educational program presented in conjunction with the "Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region" Art Exhibit.  The exhibit opened on May 4th and continues through July 2nd.  With nearly 100 people in attendance at the book's launch, approximately 20 children participated in the creative activities.  Given the number of attendees, the books signed, and the big cheerful smiles on all of the children and the adults,  the event was a huge success.

To see a portion of Pam's presentation (3-muntes) please CLICK HERE


Wyoming Birds for Kids was created with the purpose of connecting children and adults with the natural world and the amazing birds that live in Wyoming. Moore shares 24 birds found in Wyoming. Each bird has an original rhyme, illustration, photo, scientific information, and fun facts. This book offers readers an engaging piece of literature, art, and science. Moore hopes Wyoming Birds for Kids will encourage readers to unplug, get away from screens, and get moving outside while exploring the wonderful world of Wyoming birds.

Exciting news for author, Pam Moore.  Pam's book Wyoming Birds for Kids has expanded its presence in the state.  It is now available in Banner, Big Horn, Buffalo, Casper, Cheyenne, Cody, Dubois, Gillette, Jackson, and Sheridan at the following locations:  



Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site Bookstore 

Big Horn

The Brinton Museum


The Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum

Wyoming in Color Gallery and Design


Wind City Books


Cheyenne Botanic Gardens


Buffalo Bill Center of the West


National Bighorn Sheep Center



Teacher's Corner/ Kid's Mart


Jackson Hole Book Trader

Valley Bookstore


Sheridan Stationery Books and Gifts  (Wyoming Birds for Kids named a top 10 best seller in 2023)

Museum at the Bighorns

Calamity Books

Pack and Mail

Kozy Korner Gift Shop in the Sheridan Memorial Hospital

For more information contact Pam at 

a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 
PO BOX 535      SHERIDAN, WY  82801 
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